Wherever you go... go with all your heart.
"An Experience of a lifetime!"
The trip with ALCHEMY ADVENTURES was beyond my expectations. The workshop piece brought such depth of intimacy, love, and friendship amongst us all to a level I’ve barely ever experienced. What I enjoyed the most was the love, grace, acceptance, and wisdom of the leaders and the group! I learned that I am lovable just as I am.
Transformatione through travel
al·che·my :noun \ˈal-kə-mē\
a seemingly magical process of transformation or creation
the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary
a medieval forerunner of chemistry, attempting to convert base metals into gold and to find a universal elixir of life
At Alchemy Adventures our mission is to provide you with a magical and transformational travel adventure. We strive to create an international travel experience that inspires a new way of seeing the world, its cultures, and ourselves. During our trips we facilitate creative and meaningful individual and group experiences that support reflection and self-exploration. We help you integrate the wisdom and meaning from your adventure into your daily life, inspiring your dreams. Thus your adventure becomes the catalyst for your own personal alchemy.
We Call This Magic.
And we look forward to sharing it with you!

Where Do You Want to Grow This Year?
Embrace Your Inner Goddess!
Bring your most authentic
YOU to life!
We Honor Parents!
Time to put a little energy and
love back into YOU!
Celebrate Your Love!
Reconnect to fun, romance, and
joy in your partnership!
What Clients are Saying...