The Inspired Action Masterclass Registration

The Inspired Action Masterclass

Saturday March 16 9AM - 12 PM PST / 12 PM - 3 PM EST

This three hour workshop is designed to support you in gaining clarity of where you’re getting stuck and amplifying your detailed action plan of baby steps toward your destiny intention.

During the class we’ll be diving more deeply into:

  • Transforming the 3-D limiting mindsets (I’m invisible, I’m not enough, I’m alone) into growth mindsets

  • Replacing old patterns and behaviors from a limiting mindset with new routines that inspire confidence and courage to follow your dream

  • Reconnecting with the future self in our vision as a North Star to create baby steps

  • Mapping the pathway of inspired actions toward your Destiny Intention

There is so much wisdom and ideas to be gained from sharing, so this workshop will be interactive with lots of whole group sharing and partner sharing.

Plan to come away with confidence and a plan of action!

Because of the intimacy of this workshop, space is limited, so register now!

Please complete the registration below in Step 1 before submitting your payment Step 2.

Step 1 of 2

Step 2 of 2:

After registering above please submit your non-refundable payment for the class. You may pay online by clicking the PURCHASE button or submit a check to our address below.

The Inspired Action Masterclass

PO BOX 1989