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Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially.
~Tom Freston
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We've been featured! As seen in Travel + Leisure magazine
We love to connect with people on a personal level over coffee or via a phone call. Getting them excited about travel and its intrinsic powers of transformation is something that often happens naturally when we sit down with people. We see the first spark of an adventure being born when we swap travel stories or answer questions about the process of traveling abroad. Having Jancee contact us from an international publication confirmed our belief that the universe is looking out for us.

“Wow! Traveling with Alchemy Adventures is an experience of a lifetime!”
“Wow! Traveling with Alchemy Adventures is an experience of a lifetime! It was beyond my expectations. It was larger, deeper and full of surprises! Not only did we travel through some of the most beautiful country in the world, but the workshop piece brought such depth of intimacy, love and friendship amongst us all to a level I’ve barely ever experienced. What I enjoyed the most was the love, grace, acceptance and wisdom of the leaders and the group! I learned that I am lovable just as I am. Kim, Colleen, and the Captain are absolute treasures on this earth!”
Crystal, Tuscany Dreams 2018

“During this trip I was able to open up and experience real joy.”
“During this trip I was able to open up and experience real joy. They took such good care of us. They were always available, such special people. I never felt rushed. I learned that I am a wonderful person full of creativity and love. Thank you is not enough when you have changed my life forever.”
Karen, Tuscany Dreams 2016

"Tuscany was a life transformative experience!"
“Tuscany was a life transformative experience, one that I knew I was ready for, but didn’t quite know how powerful it would be. I am forever grateful for living and breathing Italy with an amazing group of women.”

“Traveling with Alchemy Adventures, Kim and Eric, is not traveling. The experience, rather, is soaring.”
“Traveling with Alchemy Adventures -- Kim and Eric -- is not traveling. The experience, rather, is soaring. I arrived in Florence carrying more than my luggage...I was a little peppered with emotional dents from just life and its adventures and misadventures, ready for a release from being the "me" I had been forever. …

“We are already planning the next trip!”
“When we got home from our parent trip to Tuscany with Alchemy Adventures, we told all of our friends and family that the trip scored an 11 out of 10!! Everything you could possibly want from a vacation was thoughtfully incorporated into this trip: hiking and sightseeing, breathtaking landscapes and stunning views, architecture and art, authentic Tuscan wining and dining, (especially the wine part!), stopping and shopping, laughing and relaxing – all with a small group of unique yet simpatico fellow travelers.”

“Coming on this trip has helped me try to see myself differently.”
You are open and honest and accepting of everyone. Your positivity and kindness is unheard of. Thank you so very much for building me up on this life changing journey through Italy!

“I learned that there is a whole new side of me”
Having talks one on one really helped me to feel safe all around. I learned that there is a whole new side of me that I want to explore and hopefully that will let me see how great I truly am.

“I am forever changed by this 8 day, seemed like a solid month, adventure!”
I feel so blessed to have gone on that adventure. It put me right where I need to be.